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By now we have seen that to improve nutrition and avoid unintended consequences it is necessary to transform food systems (FS), by intervening at different levels and through different levers, and by looking at all its parts and at their interrelatedness so that they work towards sustainable healthy diets.

In this collection, we will focus on the three main components of the FS:

a) consumers/eaters,

b) food environments and

c) production and supply, seeing how they interact and influence each other. This unit discusses what influences consumer behavior and, conversely, how consumer behaviors can shape the food environment and influence food production and supply. The unit will also highlight the importance – and provide good examples – of policy, approaches and interventions that can address the consumer perspective including information, education and communication for developing life-long positive dietary habits.

 We will look more closely at the food environment as well as the physical, economic, socio-cultural and policy conditions that shape it and influence access, affordability, food quality and safety, and consumer behaviours. The food environment is “where people meet the food system” (United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition, 2019) in simple words. FAO describes the food environment as “the physical, economic, political and socio-cultural context in which each consumer engages with the agri-food system to acquire, prepare and consume food”. Food environments typically interact with and connect food supply chains and consumer behaviours. This unit will also look at different types of food environments as well as drivers for change towards sustainable healthy diets.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
  • Pas de modification
Nature pédagogique
  • Entretiens et témoignages
  • Présentation
  • Bac+2
Objectifs de Développement Durable
  • 2. Faim "Zéro"
  • Alimentation
  • Vidéo (+ de 10 min)
nutritionalimentation durableconsommateurscomportements individuelséducation à la santéagroécologie
Liste de ressources
Food Systems and nutrition : supporting consumers to change their behaviour
Food Systems and nutrition : supporting consumers to change their behaviour
Food systems and nutrition - Food and nutrition education explained: the why-what-how?
Food systems and nutrition - Food and nutrition education explained: the why-what-how?
Food systems and nutrition : Influencing consumers´ food behaviours
Food systems and nutrition : Influencing consumers´ food behaviours
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
Systems approaches to the food environment
Systems approaches to the food environment
How did we get there ? / The food system
How did we get there ? / The food system
Multidimensional lens / Pathways, levers, outcomes
Multidimensional lens / Pathways, levers, outcomes
Production and supply / From data to impact
Production and supply / From data to impact
Policy and gouvernance
Policy and gouvernance

Islas Ramos Ana

Responsable nutrition , FAO

Hernandez Garbanzo Yenory

Nutrition Specialist at FAO and Vice-president of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behaviour

Vargas Melissa

Expert on nutrition guidelines and standards/project coordinator , FAO

Bayili Adama

Coordinator au GRET

Costis Claire

Nutrition Programme officer au GRET

Mattioni Dalia

chercheuse associée - projet FOODTRAILS - École de géographie et de planification, Université de Cardiff

Rodríguez Osiac Lorena

Professor, Public Health Institute, University of Chile