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In this unit, the focus is on how to produce this food supply in a sustainable way (without undermining social, economic and environmental impacts) and to better respond to the needs for healthy diets. How can we feed and nourish a growing global population, amidst globalization and increasing urbanization, while radically transforming food systems toward more sustainable and equitable forms of food production, all along the value chains?

In previous units we have looked at food systems in general, their components and possible interventions. Data and information are crucial for evidence-based decision-making for planning, monitoring and evaluating interventions. The potential use of data and information (metrics) should inform the selection of indicators and appropriate methods for data collection and analysis. A combination of data and information can help guide, prioritize and course-correct policies and actions for food system transformation. They can also aid to explore their effects on dietary and nutrition outcomes as well as potential social, economic and environmental impacts.

In this unit, we look at data collection and the way that metrics can be used for planning and implementing policies or interventions (including costing) to transform food systems. We will explore some tools that can be used to generate evidence for decision-making, such as the Theory of Change and the Impact Pathways. We will also explore other tools to estimate the cost of diets and explore relevant information sources.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
  • Pas de modification
Nature pédagogique
  • Entretiens et témoignages
  • Présentation
  • Bac+2
Objectifs de Développement Durable
  • 2. Faim "Zéro"
  • Alimentation
  • Vidéo (+ de 10 min)
nutritionalimentation durableagrobiodiversitésantéagriculture urbainesécurité alimentairevillesconsommateurspolitique alimentaire et nutritionnellecomportements individuelsproduction alimentaireapprovisionnement alimentaire
Liste de ressources
Systems approaches to food production and supply
Systems approaches to food production and supply
The role of urban and periurban agriculture in promoting sustainable food systems
The role of urban and periurban agriculture in promoting sustainable food systems
Systems approaches to food production and supply – a word from the experts
Systems approaches to food production and supply – a word from the experts
From data to impact – Tools for gathering information and taking decisions
From data to impact – Tools for gathering information and taking decisions
The theory of change in programming for sustainable healthy diets - Understanding the system thinking and the sustainable food systems approach for healthy diets
The theory of change in programming for sustainable healthy diets - Understanding the system…
Nutrition-sensitive investment in agriculture and food systems - Budget analysis guidance note
Nutrition-sensitive investment in agriculture and food systems - Budget analysis guidance note
From data to impact – Tools for gathering information and taking decisions. A word from the experts.
From data to impact – Tools for gathering information and taking decisions. A word from the experts.
How did we get there ? / The food system
How did we get there ? / The food system
Multidimensional lens / Pathways, levers, outcomes
Multidimensional lens / Pathways, levers, outcomes
Consumers / The food environment
Consumers / The food environment
Policy and gouvernance
Policy and gouvernance

Tartanac Florence

Senior officer, market linkages and value chains groups , FAO

Santini Guido

Programme Coordinator , FAO

Bicksler Abram

Agricultural Officer , FAO

Polo Galante Andrea

Senior Nutrition Consultant , FAO

Guillermo-Tuazon Maria Antonia

Chargée de la nutrition et des systèmes alimentaires , FAO

Seow Ti Kian

Nutrition and Food Systems Officer , FAO

Lorvao Clément

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Expert , FAO

Fracassi Patrizia

Senior Nutrition and Food Systems Officer at FAO