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The food system is characterised by complexity, yet policies, programmes and interventions seldom take sufficient account of this, or consider in adequate depth the interrelated nature of the food system’s various components. This results in planners failing to anticipate the unintended effects or unexpected consequences of their actions.

In this collection, we will dive deeper into innovative approaches and see how they have dealt effectively with this complexity, examining with a multidimensional lens the features and good practices of selected examples of a wide range of individual projects throughout the project management cycle.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
  • Pas de modification
Nature pédagogique
  • Entretiens et témoignages
  • Présentation
  • Bac+2
Objectifs de Développement Durable
  • 2. Faim "Zéro"
  • Alimentation
  • Vidéo (+ de 10 min)
nutritionalimentation durablepolitique alimentaire et nutritionnelle
Liste de ressources
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system - Introduction
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system -…
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao  People's Democratic Republic
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao People's…
Systemic interventions for nutrition and healthy diets. A word from the experts.
Systemic interventions for nutrition and healthy diets. A word from the experts.
Pathways, levers, outcomes : making the food system work for better outcomes
Pathways, levers, outcomes : making the food system work for better outcomes
FAO/WHO Sustainable healthy diets- Guiding principles
FAO/WHO Sustainable healthy diets- Guiding principles
Pathways, levers, outcomes: making the food system work for better outcomes. A word from the experts
Pathways, levers, outcomes: making the food system work for better outcomes. A word from the experts
How did we get there ? / The food system
How did we get there ? / The food system
Consumers / The food environment
Consumers / The food environment
Production and supply / From data to impact
Production and supply / From data to impact
Policy and gouvernance
Policy and gouvernance

Klug Israel

Programme Officer , FAO

Guillermo-Tuazon Maria Antonia

Chargée de la nutrition et des systèmes alimentaires , FAO

Vargas Melissa

Expert on nutrition guidelines and standards/project coordinator , FAO

Rakotomalala Christiane

Nutrition Project Manager at GRET

Islas Ramos Ana

Responsable nutrition , FAO

Hachem Fatima

Senior Nutrition Officer , FAO

Distefano Francesca

Gender and Policy Expert , FAO

Rolle Rosa

Agro-food industries and food loss and waste reduction Team Leader , FAO