Trouvés  87
Systemic interventions for nutrition and healthy diets. A word from the experts.
Systemic interventions for nutrition and healthy diets. A word from the experts.
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao  People's Democratic Republic
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao People's…
Un regard multidimensionnel : études de cas portant sur les multiples dimensions du système alimentaire
Un regard multidimensionnel : études de cas portant sur les multiples dimensions du système…
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system - Introduction
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system -…
Le système alimentaire : dimensions, leviers, résultats, complexité. Le point de vue d’experts
Le système alimentaire : dimensions, leviers, résultats, complexité. Le point de vue d’experts
The food system: Dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity - A word from the experts
The food system: Dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity - A word from the experts
The ‘food systems’ approach
The ‘food systems’ approach
The food system : dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity
The food system : dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity
Environmental impacts of food systems
Environmental impacts of food systems
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get here? A word from the experts
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get here? A word from the experts
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get there?
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get there?
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
The ocean and the climate
The ocean and the climate
The nitrogen cycle in Paris
The nitrogen cycle in Paris
Growth and the limitations of recycling : outlook
Growth and the limitations of recycling : outlook