Trouvés  416
Uma visão comum do futuro da humanidade (7 vídeos)
Uma visão comum do futuro da humanidade (7 vídeos)
Uma introdução histórica aos ODS
Uma introdução histórica aos ODS
Três elementos marcantes que distinguem os ODS na história do desenvolvimento
Três elementos marcantes que distinguem os ODS na história do desenvolvimento
Tres elementos clave que distinguen a los ODS en la historia del desarrollo
Tres elementos clave que distinguen a los ODS en la historia del desarrollo
Trazar caminos tecnológicos deseables, plausibles y sostenibles
Trazar caminos tecnológicos deseables, plausibles y sostenibles
Towards a circular economy (9 videos)
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
Three key elements setting SDGs apart in the history of development
Three key elements setting SDGs apart in the history of development
The “doughnut”: between social foundation and ecological ceiling
The “doughnut”: between social foundation and ecological ceiling
The vulnerability of human society to climate change
The vulnerability of human society to climate change
The SDGsʼ geographic universality: an agenda for all nations
The SDGsʼ geographic universality: an agenda for all nations
The SDGs: an agenda for all countries and for all sectors (8 videos)
The SDGs: an agenda for all countries and for all sectors (8 videos)
The SDGs: A Challenge for Public Action (9 videos)
The SDGs: A Challenge for Public Action (9 videos)
The Rearrangement of Communities in Response to Global change
The Rearrangement of Communities in Response to Global change
The Paris Agreement on climate change and sustainable Development Goals
The Paris Agreement on climate change and sustainable Development Goals