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SDGsSustainable Development Goals
Liste de ressources
SDGs: a challenge for public policies
SDGs: a challenge for public policies
Are the SDGs well-adapted to the most fragile nations?
Are the SDGs well-adapted to the most fragile nations?
General overview of how States will implemnt SDGs
General overview of how States will implemnt SDGs
How States gain ownership of SDGs : civil society analysis
How States gain ownership of SDGs : civil society analysis
SDG Territorialization: towards a local 2030 Agenda
SDG Territorialization: towards a local 2030 Agenda
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
SDGs - General Introduction (1 video)
SDGs - General Introduction (1 video)
A common vision of the future of Humanity (7 videos)
A common vision of the future of Humanity (7 videos)
The SDGs: an agenda for all countries and for all sectors (8 videos)
The SDGs: an agenda for all countries and for all sectors (8 videos)
Stakeholders seize the SDGs (10 videos)
Stakeholders seize the SDGs (10 videos)
SDGs - General Conclusion (1 video)
SDGs - General Conclusion (1 video)