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In this video, Laura Brimont, a researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), discusses the ownership of the Sustainable Development Goals by States. She presents the different stages of this ownership and illustrates them on the basis of examples from around the world.

  • Bac+3
  • Bac+4
  • Bac+5
  • Langues étrangères
  • Anglais
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Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Paternité
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
Nature pédagogique
  • Animation
  • Cours
  • Grain audiovisuel
SDGsSustainable Development Goals
SDGs: a challenge for public policies
SDGs: a challenge for public policies
Are the SDGs well-adapted to the most fragile nations?
Are the SDGs well-adapted to the most fragile nations?
How States gain ownership of SDGs : civil society analysis
How States gain ownership of SDGs : civil society analysis
SDG Territorialization: towards a local 2030 Agenda
SDG Territorialization: towards a local 2030 Agenda
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
Tools to support transition in cities and territories

Brimont Laura