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SDGsSustainable Development Goals
Liste de ressources
SDGs: an agenda for all nations and all sectors
SDGs: an agenda for all nations and all sectors
The SDGsʼ geographic universality: an agenda for all nations
The SDGsʼ geographic universality: an agenda for all nations
SDG sectorial universality : all fields are covered
SDG sectorial universality : all fields are covered
Understanding interactions between SDGs
Understanding interactions between SDGs
Interactions between SDGs: an illustration with Neglected Tropical Diseases
Interactions between SDGs: an illustration with Neglected Tropical Diseases
Interactions between SDGs: the example of SDG 12 on responsible production and consumption
Interactions between SDGs: the example of SDG 12 on responsible production and consumption
Factoring in interactions between SDGs: a success factor for agriculture
Factoring in interactions between SDGs: a success factor for agriculture
Public policy related choices to attain SDGs
Public policy related choices to attain SDGs
SDGs - General Introduction (1 video)
SDGs - General Introduction (1 video)
A common vision of the future of Humanity (7 videos)
A common vision of the future of Humanity (7 videos)
The SDGs: A Challenge for Public Action (9 videos)
The SDGs: A Challenge for Public Action (9 videos)
Stakeholders seize the SDGs (10 videos)
Stakeholders seize the SDGs (10 videos)
SDGs - General Conclusion (1 video)
SDGs - General Conclusion (1 video)