Trouvés  86
Exemple d'une intervention alimentaire et nutritionnelle multidimensionnelle : étude de cas en République démocratique populaire du Laos
Exemple d'une intervention alimentaire et nutritionnelle multidimensionnelle : étude de cas en…
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao  People's Democratic Republic
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao People's…
The food system: Dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity - A word from the experts
The food system: Dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity - A word from the experts
Le système alimentaire : dimensions, leviers, résultats, complexité. Le point de vue d’experts
Le système alimentaire : dimensions, leviers, résultats, complexité. Le point de vue d’experts
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system - Introduction
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system -…
Un regard multidimensionnel : études de cas portant sur les multiples dimensions du système alimentaire
Un regard multidimensionnel : études de cas portant sur les multiples dimensions du système…
The ‘food systems’ approach
The ‘food systems’ approach
The food system : dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity
The food system : dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get here? A word from the experts
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get here? A word from the experts
Environmental impacts of food systems
Environmental impacts of food systems
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get there?
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get there?
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
The keys to understanding sustainable development (7 videos)
The keys to understanding sustainable development (7 videos)
Environment and Sustainable Development
Environment and Sustainable Development
The Flexibility of Life in Biodiversity Scenarios
The Flexibility of Life in Biodiversity Scenarios