Trouvés  19
Цели устойчивого развития
Цели устойчивого развития
MOOC أهداف التنمية المستدامة
MOOC أهداف التنمية المستدامة
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Operationality of sustainable development, from CSR to RSO (7 videos)
Operationality of sustainable development, from CSR to RSO (7 videos)
Sustainable development, a change of the model ? (7 videos)
Sustainable development, a change of the model ? (7 videos)
The objects of sustainable development (9 videos)
The objects of sustainable development (9 videos)
Ethics of the environment and sustainable development (7 videos)
Ethics of the environment and sustainable development (7 videos)
Environment, Ecodevelopment and Sustainable Development (8 videos)
Environment, Ecodevelopment and Sustainable Development (8 videos)
Knowledge at the heart of sustainable development (8 videos)
Knowledge at the heart of sustainable development (8 videos)
Le châtaignier, pays et terroirs européens - Italie : la châtaigne, une image du passé, un produit du futur
Le châtaignier, pays et terroirs européens - Italie : la châtaigne, une image du passé, un produit…
Le châtaignier, pays et terroirs européens - Portugal, les enjeux de la castanéiculture moderne
Le châtaignier, pays et terroirs européens - Portugal, les enjeux de la castanéiculture moderne
Educating for the environment and sustainable development (8 videos)
Educating for the environment and sustainable development (8 videos)
Stakeholders seize the SDGs (10 videos)
Stakeholders seize the SDGs (10 videos)
A common vision of the future of Humanity (7 videos)
A common vision of the future of Humanity (7 videos)