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Environment, Ecodevelopment and Sustainable Development (8 videos)

Historical roots of environmental issues - MOOC Environnement et Développement durable

  • Bac
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  • Langues étrangères
  • Anglais
  • Labellisé
  • Ecosystèmes et biodiversité
Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Paternité
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
Nature pédagogique
  • Animation
  • Cours
  • Vidéo (+ de 10 min)
environmentsustainable development
Liste de ressources
Historical roots of environmental issues
Historical roots of environmental issues
The Meadows report (1972)
The Meadows report (1972)
Ecodevelopment as a concept: origin and background
Ecodevelopment as a concept: origin and background
The ground-breaking Brundtland report
The ground-breaking Brundtland report
Major international conferences from Stockholm to Rio+20
Major international conferences from Stockholm to Rio+20
Words to describe harmful effects of environmental issues
Words to describe harmful effects of environmental issues
A comparative study between North and South
A comparative study between North and South
Is the concept of sustainable development obsolete ?
Is the concept of sustainable development obsolete ?
Knowledge at the heart of sustainable development (8 videos)
Knowledge at the heart of sustainable development (8 videos)
Ethics of the environment and sustainable development (7 videos)
Ethics of the environment and sustainable development (7 videos)
The keys to understanding sustainable development (7 videos)
The keys to understanding sustainable development (7 videos)
Sustainable development, a change of the model ? (7 videos)
Sustainable development, a change of the model ? (7 videos)
The objects of sustainable development (9 videos)
The objects of sustainable development (9 videos)
Operationality of sustainable development, from CSR to RSO (7 videos)
Operationality of sustainable development, from CSR to RSO (7 videos)
Educating for the environment and sustainable development (8 videos)
Educating for the environment and sustainable development (8 videos)