Trouvés  9
Climate change and human health
Climate change and human health
Approches systémiques de la production et de l'approvisionnement alimentaires
Approches systémiques de la production et de l'approvisionnement alimentaires
Marching towards a circular economy
Marching towards a circular economy
The circular economy and developing countries: UN resources for Industrial Development
The circular economy and developing countries: UN resources for Industrial Development
Developing the circular economy in France with a set of economic incentives and powerful regulatory measures
Developing the circular economy in France with a set of economic incentives and powerful regulatory…
Which circular economy?
Which circular economy?
Duty of care and extended value chain to achieve responsible management
Duty of care and extended value chain to achieve responsible management
Planned obsolescence: theory, challenges and case studies
Planned obsolescence: theory, challenges and case studies
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks: the Kalundborg symbiosis
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks: the Kalundborg symbiosis