Trouvés  297
The key principles of functionality-based economy
The key principles of functionality-based economy
Industrial ecology : flow management and feasibility of synergies
Industrial ecology : flow management and feasibility of synergies
Industrial ecology : information creation and collaborative environments
Industrial ecology : information creation and collaborative environments
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks : the Kalundborg case
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks : the Kalundborg case
Circular economy in action
Circular economy in action
The nitrogen cycle in Paris
The nitrogen cycle in Paris
Disturbances in the nitrogen cycle and related impacts
Disturbances in the nitrogen cycle and related impacts
Key sectors for dematerialization
Key sectors for dematerialization
An analysis of material flows in France
An analysis of material flows in France
The metabolism of territories : challenges and key notions
Growth and the limitations of recycling : outlook
Growth and the limitations of recycling : outlook
Growth and the limitations of recycling : summary
Growth and the limitations of recycling : summary
The effects of the accumulation of materials
The effects of the accumulation of materials
Economic growth and recycling of materials
Economic growth and recycling of materials
Non-renewable resources and economic growth
Non-renewable resources and economic growth