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Daniel Compagnon, a professor at Sciences Po Bordeaux, looks at the multiple challenges caused by climate change on urban environments in this video. After a panorama of the challenges to be met, he looks at the difficulties raised by the adaptation and mitigation policies that have been generally implemented.

Learning Objectives:

- Identify the main challenges caused by climate change for urban environments
- Learn about the factors weighing on the effectiveness of urban policies relating to climate change
- Identify the levers to improve the effectiveness of adaptation and mitigation policies

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Français
  • Langues étrangères
Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
  • Pas de modification
Mentions Licence
  • Science politique
Nature pédagogique
  • Cours
  • Bac+1
  • Bac+2
Objectifs de Développement Durable
  • 11. Villes et communautés durables
  • 13. Lutte contre le changement climatique
  • Atténuation, Adaptation & Résilience
  • Écologie & Action politique
  • Les solutions
  • Grain audiovisuel
changement climatiquevillespolitiquesadaptationatténuationpolitique de la villeurbanisationgaz à effet de serreville durableétalement urbainartificialisation des solsarbreséco-quartierîlots de chaleurvoitureaménagement urbaincollectivités territoriales
The Paris Agreement on climate change and sustainable Development Goals
The Paris Agreement on climate change and sustainable Development Goals
Adaptation to climate change: an introduction
Adaptation to climate change: an introduction
Climate change mitigation
Climate change mitigation
Climate change mitigation through demand
Climate change mitigation through demand
Mixed farming and climate change
Mixed farming and climate change
Mountain tourism in the face of climate change
Mountain tourism in the face of climate change
Coastal areas and climate change
Coastal areas and climate change
Nature-based climate change adaptation solutions in French overseas departments
Nature-based climate change adaptation solutions in French overseas departments

Compagnon Daniel

professeur à , Sciences Po Bordeaux