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Liste de ressources
The climate system: time and space scales
The climate system: time and space scales
The role played by greenhouse effect
The role played by greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect on the Earth's atmosphere
The greenhouse effect on the Earth's atmosphere
Climate change: the beginning of a problem
Climate change: the beginning of a problem
The Sahel drought
The Sahel drought
Detection and causes of climate change - natural factors
Detection and causes of climate change - natural factors
Detection and causes of the climate change - human factors
Detection and causes of the climate change - human factors
Climate predictability
Climate predictability
Return on the COP21 and the Paris Agreement (2 videos)
Return on the COP21 and the Paris Agreement (2 videos)
The greenhouse gaz (8 videos)
The greenhouse gaz (8 videos)
Climate modeling (8 videos)
Climate modeling (8 videos)
The law carbone transition (8 videos)
The law carbone transition (8 videos)
Regional impacts and adaptation to climate change (7 videos)
Regional impacts and adaptation to climate change (7 videos)
Climate change challenged by other environmental and societal changes (10 videos)
Climate change challenged by other environmental and societal changes (10 videos)