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At the juncture of disciplines and global challenges
At the juncture of disciplines and global challenges
Interdisciplinarity and climate studies
Interdisciplinarity and climate studies
The impacts of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity
The impacts of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity
Climate change and development
Climate change and development
Food security and adapting agriculture and fishing to the impacts of climate change
Food security and adapting agriculture and fishing to the impacts of climate change
Climate change and infectious diseases
Climate change and infectious diseases
Climate change and air quality: finding joint management strategies
Climate change and air quality: finding joint management strategies
Bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and decision making
Bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and decision making
Adapting to climate change
Adapting to climate change
Return on the COP21 and the Paris Agreement (2 videos)
Return on the COP21 and the Paris Agreement (2 videos)
The climate (8 videos)
The climate (8 videos)
The greenhouse gaz (8 videos)
The greenhouse gaz (8 videos)
Climate modeling (8 videos)
Climate modeling (8 videos)
The law carbone transition (8 videos)
The law carbone transition (8 videos)
Regional impacts and adaptation to climate change (7 videos)
Regional impacts and adaptation to climate change (7 videos)