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Stéphanie Thiébault, a CNRS research director, discusses Mediterranean climate change in this video. First, she shows that this region has experienced multiple dynamics over the course of the last few millennia. She then characterises the challenges linked to current climate change and, to finish, she suggests a few adaptation methods for societies.

Learning Objectives:

- Situate societies currently dealing with climate change on a long-term basis
- Learn about the variety of risks linked to climate change in the Mediterranean
- Identify climate change adaptations for Mediterranean societies.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Français
  • Langues étrangères
Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
  • Pas de modification
Nature pédagogique
  • Cours
  • Bac+1
  • Bac+2
Objectifs de Développement Durable
  • 13. Lutte contre le changement climatique
  • Atténuation, Adaptation & Résilience
  • Ecosystèmes et biodiversité
  • Enjeux Climat/Biodiversité
  • Grain audiovisuel
changement climatiqueMéditerranéeclimatsociétésbiodiversitépaléoenvironnementagricultureressource en eaurisques écologiquesécosystèmesmigrationsurbanisme
Climate change and human health
Climate change and human health
Climate change, agriculture, and food security
Climate change, agriculture, and food security
The economic challenges of achieving climate neutrality
The economic challenges of achieving climate neutrality
Climate change in Europe
Climate change in Europe
Climate change: A reality in Normandy
Climate change: A reality in Normandy

Thiébault Stéphanie

directrice de recherche , CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique