Trouvés  63
Los actores se adueñan de los ODS
Los actores se adueñan de los ODS
Introducción histórica a los ODS
Introducción histórica a los ODS
Hydraulic energy - hydraulic electrical power : resources and "energy mix"
Hydraulic energy - hydraulic electrical power : resources and "energy mix"
Hydraulic energy - components of a hydraulic power plant
Hydraulic energy - components of a hydraulic power plant
Hydraulic energy - basic characteristics
Hydraulic energy - basic characteristics
How to talk about SDGs? Media facin the long term
How to talk about SDGs? Media facin the long term
How to adress the need for a wider mobilisation in favour of SDGs?
How to adress the need for a wider mobilisation in favour of SDGs?
How States gain ownership of SDGs : civil society analysis
How States gain ownership of SDGs : civil society analysis
Geothermal energy - principles of high temperature non conventional geothermal energy recovery
Geothermal energy - principles of high temperature non conventional geothermal energy recovery
Geothermal energy - origin of recovered geothermal heat
Geothermal energy - origin of recovered geothermal heat
Different types of geothermal energy recovery processes and their level of maturity
Different types of geothermal energy recovery processes and their level of maturity
Comprender las interacciones entre los ODS
Comprender las interacciones entre los ODS
Compreender as interações entre ODS
Compreender as interações entre ODS
Como falar dos ODS? Os medias perante o longo prazo
Como falar dos ODS? Os medias perante o longo prazo
Como atender ao imperativo de uma ampla mobilização para os ODS?
Como atender ao imperativo de uma ampla mobilização para os ODS?