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Serge Bahuchet explains that the nature is the subject of different views and perceptions. He recounts the main scientific currents which were interested in this (nature anthropology, ethnoecology,...) and presents the important researchers who thought about those questions: Max Sorre, Philippe Descola or Claude Levi-Strauss.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
  • Grain audiovisuel
Biodiversity and society - Clip
Biodiversity and society - Clip
Ways of life and biodiversity
Ways of life and biodiversity
Local and indigenous knowledge and biodiversity
Local and indigenous knowledge and biodiversity
Naming and classifying biodiversity
Naming and classifying biodiversity
Various ways of reading biodiversity
Various ways of reading biodiversity
Maritime anthropology, an introduction
Maritime anthropology, an introduction
Anthropology of conservation
Anthropology of conservation
Political ecology and protection of biodiversity
Political ecology and protection of biodiversity
Biodiversity and peace
Biodiversity and peace
Biodiversity and traditional knowledge
Biodiversity and traditional knowledge


MNHN - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle