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Marie Roué mentions the native and loval knowledge, especially its expertise and its preservation. She presents the international legal context, then she talks about its diverse components: knowledge, savoir-faire, practices and representations. She insists on the dynamics of this knowledge, continuously reinterpreted with the contributions of the modernity.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
  • Grain audiovisuel
Biodiversity and society - Clip
Biodiversity and society - Clip
Ways of life and biodiversity
Ways of life and biodiversity
One single type of nature or several different types
One single type of nature or several different types
Naming and classifying biodiversity
Naming and classifying biodiversity
Various ways of reading biodiversity
Various ways of reading biodiversity
Maritime anthropology, an introduction
Maritime anthropology, an introduction
Anthropology of conservation
Anthropology of conservation
Political ecology and protection of biodiversity
Political ecology and protection of biodiversity
Biodiversity and peace
Biodiversity and peace
Biodiversity and traditional knowledge
Biodiversity and traditional knowledge

Roué Marie

CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique