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Pierre-Henri Gouyon relies on an example - Dedale - to show the effects and the risks of a progress understanding which is only based on the technology.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
  • Grain audiovisuel
Definition and lesson learned from the past crisis - Clip
Definition and lesson learned from the past crisis - Clip
Definition of biodiversity
Definition of biodiversity
Biodiversity: state or dynamics ?
Biodiversity: state or dynamics ?
Origins of life: the context
Origins of life: the context
Origins of life
Origins of life
The history of biodiversity
The history of biodiversity
The main crisis of biodiversity
The main crisis of biodiversity
Records of the biodiversity crisis
Records of the biodiversity crisis
Current state of the planet and of the biodiversity
Current state of the planet and of the biodiversity
Biodiversity: perception and uses
Biodiversity: perception and uses
Why should we worry about biodiversity ?
Why should we worry about biodiversity ?

Gouyon Pierre-Henri

MNHN - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle