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Pierre-Henri Gouyon comes back to different looks taken at nature and biodiversity during the last centuries. He insists on the fact that this biodiversity can't be reduced to a frozen group of species, but that we have to consider its dynamic and complex dimensions when we mention its preservation. He illustrates his words with the example of agriculture.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
Licence Creative Commons
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
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  • Paternité
  • Grain audiovisuel
Definition and lesson learned from the past crisis - Clip
Definition and lesson learned from the past crisis - Clip
Definition of biodiversity
Definition of biodiversity
Biodiversity: state or dynamics ?
Biodiversity: state or dynamics ?
Origins of life: the context
Origins of life: the context
Origins of life
Origins of life
The history of biodiversity
The history of biodiversity
The main crisis of biodiversity
The main crisis of biodiversity
Records of the biodiversity crisis
Records of the biodiversity crisis
Current state of the planet and of the biodiversity
Current state of the planet and of the biodiversity
Why should we worry about biodiversity ?
Why should we worry about biodiversity ?
Nature and progress
Nature and progress

Gouyon Pierre-Henri

MNHN - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle