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Francine Pellaud explains what should be the objectives of an education for sustainable development. She discusses the principles, the interests and the limits of four models of use of disciplines: multidisciplinarity, pluridisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.

  • Labellisé
  • Anglais
  • Langues étrangères
  • Grain audiovisuel
Socially Acute Questions (SAQs)
Socially Acute Questions (SAQs)
Complex thinking is not so complicated
Complex thinking is not so complicated
Systems analysis
Systems analysis
Sustainable development and its many facets
Sustainable development and its many facets
The issue of spatial and temporal scales
The issue of spatial and temporal scales
Sustainable development and associated values
Sustainable development and associated values
The representation of education in sustainable development
The representation of education in sustainable development
Principles for an educational path incorporating sustainable development
Principles for an educational path incorporating sustainable development
Resolving complex issues and managing uncertainty
Resolving complex issues and managing uncertainty
Project-oriented teaching at the center of education for sustainable development
Project-oriented teaching at the center of education for sustainable development
Mind maps in education for sustainable development
Mind maps in education for sustainable development
The five levels of incorporating ESD in the classroom
The five levels of incorporating ESD in the classroom
Environmental education in teacher training
Environmental education in teacher training
Socially Acute Questions (SAQs)
Socially Acute Questions (SAQs)
Complex thinking is not so complicated
Complex thinking is not so complicated
Systems analysis
Systems analysis
Sustainable development and its many facets
Sustainable development and its many facets
The issue of spatial and temporal scales
The issue of spatial and temporal scales
Sustainable development and associated values
Sustainable development and associated values

PELLAUD Francine

Haute École Pédagogique de Fribourg (Suisse)