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Grain n°2 du module "IBAR: invasive species (insects and islands), biological control and an agroecological case study in Reunion Island"

Chapter 2, Biological control, introduction and acclimatization of auxiliary insects, will guide you, after a brief history and definitions, across predator or parasitoid insects used in biological control, with some examples of use against invasive insects, and two case studies (Bemisia tabaci and Dacus ciliatus). A rehearsal of Chapter 1, important for biological control agents, is the step between introduction and establishment. Successes and failures in biological control programs will be presented, focusing on introduction-acclimatIzation, and control of target populations. At the frontiers of biological control, you will see a brief overview of use and prospects of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), Release of Insects carrying a Dominant Lethal (RIDL) and Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT). Finally, the perception of biological control will be discussed.

Ce grain est également disponible en version française.


  • Bac+3
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  • Anglais
  • Labellisé
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  • Ecosystèmes et biodiversité
Licence Creative Commons
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  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
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  • Animation
  • Autoévaluation
  • Cours
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  • Grain numérique
introduction-acclimatizationsterile insectWolbachiaauxiliary insectpredatorparasitoidbiological controlbiocontrol
Invasive species - insects and islands
Invasive species - insects and islands
Agroecological management of fruit flies on Reunion Island
Agroecological management of fruit flies on Reunion Island

Warren Ben

Casties Aurélie

Becker Nathalie