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The STEEM project is a research and experimentation project in public transport. Its goal is twofold: increase tramway systems energy efficiency and allow a vehicle to run without overhead contact lines. It associates a tram manufacturer (Alstom), a public transport operator (RATP) and a public research laboratory (INRETS) with the financial support of the French governmental agency ADEME under a PREDIT program. It is based on the use of onboard supercapacitors, and a demonstrator has been installed on an existing tramway of RATP T3 line. This vehicle is running in revenue service since late 2009 and delivers its first promising results.

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  • Anglais
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électromagnétismeénergieénergie renouvelableenvironnementindustrieinnovationperspective énergétiquepollutionqualité de l'airressources énergétiquestransportvoitureTransports terrestres. Transports routiersenvironnementRessources naturelles et énergie

Moskowitz Jean-Paul