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In this video, Pierre Victoria, Director of Sustainable Development for Veolia, shows how companies have taken on board the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He first analyses the evolution of society's expectations towards companies, before highlighting 3 possible levels of ownership of these SDGs.

  • Bac+3
  • Bac+4
  • Bac+5
  • Langues étrangères
  • Anglais
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Licence Creative Commons
  • Partage des conditions à l'identique
  • Paternité
  • Pas d'utilisation commerciale
Nature pédagogique
  • Animation
  • Cours
  • Grain audiovisuel
SDGsSustainable Development Goals
Stakeholders embracing the SDGs
Stakeholders embracing the SDGs
SDGS: players committed for the common good
SDGS: players committed for the common good
Can the SDGs help to structure the actions of civil society?
Can the SDGs help to structure the actions of civil society?
We shall attain SDGs with the citizens
We shall attain SDGs with the citizens
Agenda 2030, an agenda for and by the youth
Agenda 2030, an agenda for and by the youth
SDGs: which players involved to reach the social goals?
SDGs: which players involved to reach the social goals?
The mobilisation of financial players around the SDGs
The mobilisation of financial players around the SDGs
How to talk about SDGs? Media facin the long term
How to talk about SDGs? Media facin the long term
How to adress the need for a wider mobilisation in favour of SDGs?
How to adress the need for a wider mobilisation in favour of SDGs?

Victoria Pierre