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Various simulations of Electric Vehicles (EVs) or Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are achieved for different objectives. In this paper, the influence of the electrical drive model is studied for simulation of an EV. Indeed, the electric machine with its associated converter can be modelled in three different ways: dynamic, static and quasi-static modelling. The studied electric machine is an induction machine. The aims of this paper are to show different effects of each model on an EV simulation and to study when each model should be used.

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  • Anglais
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électromagnétismeénergieénergie renouvelableenvironnementindustrieinnovationperspective énergétiquepollutionqualité de l'airressources énergétiquestransportvoitureTransports terrestres. Transports routiersenvironnementRessources naturelles et énergie