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Liste de ressources
Duty of care and extended value chain to achieve responsible management
Duty of care and extended value chain to achieve responsible management
Planned obsolescence: theory, challenges and case studies
Planned obsolescence: theory, challenges and case studies
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks: the Kalundborg symbiosis
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks: the Kalundborg symbiosis
From municipal waste management to the development of a circular economy
From municipal waste management to the development of a circular economy
Responsible consumption in a circular economy
Responsible consumption in a circular economy
Some example of a functionality-based economy
Some example of a functionality-based economy
The key principles of functionality-based economy
The key principles of functionality-based economy
Industrial ecology : flow management and feasibility of synergies
Industrial ecology : flow management and feasibility of synergies
Industrial ecology : information creation and collaborative environments
Industrial ecology : information creation and collaborative environments
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks : the Kalundborg case
Industrial symbioses and eco-industrial parks : the Kalundborg case
Circular economy in action
Circular economy in action
The major global issues (4 videos)
The major global issues (4 videos)
Growth and circular economy (6 videos)
Growth and circular economy (6 videos)
Analysis of material flows at the territorial scale (6 videos)
Towards a circular economy (9 videos)

Vincent Frédérique

Gombert-Courvoisier Sandrine

Fromant Eric

Bellini Béatrice

Beulque Rémi

Adoue Cyril

Buffo Eric

Geldron Alain