Trouvés  621
Un regard multidimensionnel : études de cas portant sur les multiples dimensions du système alimentaire
Un regard multidimensionnel : études de cas portant sur les multiples dimensions du système…
Un regard multidimensionnel / Chemins, leviers, résultats
Un regard multidimensionnel / Chemins, leviers, résultats
Types of regulation and intervention in CSR
Types of regulation and intervention in CSR
Tres elementos clave que distinguen a los ODS en la historia del desarrollo
Tres elementos clave que distinguen a los ODS en la historia del desarrollo
Trazar caminos tecnológicos deseables, plausibles y sostenibles
Trazar caminos tecnológicos deseables, plausibles y sostenibles
Towards a circular economy (9 videos)
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
Tools to support transition in cities and territories
Tools for plant and crop modelling
Tools for plant and crop modelling
Three key elements setting SDGs apart in the history of development
Three key elements setting SDGs apart in the history of development
The “doughnut”: between social foundation and ecological ceiling
The “doughnut”: between social foundation and ecological ceiling
The ‘food systems’ approach
The ‘food systems’ approach
The vulnerability of human society to climate change
The vulnerability of human society to climate change
The urban biodiversity
The urban biodiversity
The UN's ethical principles on sustainable development - The Nagoya protocol
The UN's ethical principles on sustainable development - The Nagoya protocol
The theory of change in programming for sustainable healthy diets - Understanding the system thinking and the sustainable food systems approach for healthy diets
The theory of change in programming for sustainable healthy diets - Understanding the system…