Trouvés  265
Experimental study of the water permeability of a partially saturated argillite
Experimental study of the water permeability of a partially saturated argillite
Poromechanical modelling of hygric shrinkage and crystallization swelling in layered porous materials
Poromechanical modelling of hygric shrinkage and crystallization swelling in layered porous…
Induced geometry in chalk during hydrochloric acid stimulation
Induced geometry in chalk during hydrochloric acid stimulation
Experimental analysis of concrete structures affected by DEF. Influence of moisture and restraint
Experimental analysis of concrete structures affected by DEF. Influence of moisture and restraint
Simulations of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of an annular reinforced concrete structure heated up to 200°C
Simulations of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of an annular reinforced concrete structure…
The probabilistic method: an efficient tool to take into account the parameters variability of modelling for durability design process
The probabilistic method: an efficient tool to take into account the parameters variability of…
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes in conodonts : Evidence of trophic levels and nutrient flux in Palaeozoic oceans
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes in conodonts : Evidence of trophic levels and nutrient flux in…
Eurypterid phylogeny and the origin of Arachnida
Eurypterid phylogeny and the origin of Arachnida
Assessing the Evidence for Extensive Wildfires at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
Assessing the Evidence for Extensive Wildfires at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
The "Avins event", a remarkable highstand at the end of the Tournaisian. Its influence on the global distribution and on the evolution of the Viséan rugose corals
The "Avins event", a remarkable highstand at the end of the Tournaisian. Its influence on the global…